Driving a car that gets great gas mileage can certainly help you save money here in the Midlothian, TX area and be kinder to the environment. Here are some tips from us at Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC to help you improve your gas mileage so you can get the most out of every tank of fuel.
Tips to improve your gas mileage
1. Keep up with maintenance:
Regularly check and change the oil, air filter, tires, etc. as recommended in your car’s manual. This will ensure that your engine runs at its peak efficiency and helps you get better fuel economy.
2. Practice defensive driving:
Avoid excessive speeding and abrupt stops as this can cause your vehicle to consume more fuel than necessary.
3. Go easy on the accelerator:
Accelerate slowly and maintain a steady speed for maximum fuel efficiency.
4. Reduce aerodynamic drag:
Remove any excess weight from your car, such as bike racks or other cargo carriers when they’re not in use, to reduce the amount of drag on the vehicle.
5. Use cruise control:
When appropriate, set cruise control to maintain a steady speed; it uses less fuel than accelerating and decelerating frequently with manual speed changes.
6. Minimize idling:
When stopped, turn off the engine rather than letting it idle for more than 30 seconds; idling burns unnecessary fuel and causes engine wear.
7. Maintain your vehicle:
Regularly inspect and maintain your car according to the manufacturer’s recommendations; this will ensure that the engine is running at peak efficiency.
We Are Here To Help!
These tips can help you save money on gas while also reducing your environmental footprint! For more gas-saving tips, or to explore an auto policy that can meet both your needs and your budget, give us at Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC a call today. We are proud to serve the Midlothian, TX area.